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Yellow-headed caracara

Background Aves

The yellow-headed caracara is one of the best-known hawks in Brazil, found throughout country. They are very much like falcons.

277g to 364g

36cm to 45cm

15 years in captivity

Important data

It has a yellowish-white head and body, dark brown back, and long wings with white spots on the tips of its feathers. It has a long tail.
In the area between its eyes and beak, the male has bare skin in yellow and orange shades. The female has very light pink skin.


It is often run over when feeding on roadkill.

It is opportunistic and has a varied diet, feeding on insects, small vertebrates, carcasses, and fruit. It eats ticks on cattle, capybaras, and horses. In forests, it eats ticks on large herbivores, such as tapirs and deer.
It builds large nests high up in trees. While brooding its five to seven eggs, the female is fed by the male, and is so soon after the birth of the chicks.

● It inhabits pastures and fields with some trees, such as cattle ranches.
● It is very common in urban areas; it is the most visible bird of prey in Brazilian cities, with the exception of vultures.
● It has daytime routines.


It is a very territorial bird, attacking invading yellow-headed caracaras.

Geographical distribution
Mapa Distribuição Geográfica
Conservation status