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azara's agouti

Background Mamíferos

The Azara’s agouti is a medium-sized rodent with excellent hearing, capable of identifying predators from a great distance.

3kg to 6kg

49cm to 64cm long

18 years in captivity

Important data

Its back is covered in long, thick hair that stands up when the animal is stressed. Its tail is short and hairless. Its rear end is brown, and it has a whitish belly.


Hunting, being runover, and attacks by domestic animals.

Fruit, leaves, seeds, roots, and juicy plants.
Reproduction can take place all year round. The female has one to two babies that stay with their parents until the birth of the next litter.

● They live mainly in dense forests and some regions of the Cerrado.
● They are terrestrial and holes on the banks of rivers, on the forest floor and in the roots of trees.
● They are more active at the end of the day.
● They form permanent pairs and have fixed places to sleep and feed.
● They run very quickly and always repeat the same path.
● They can swim.


Predominantly active at night and in the twilight, with a living area of up to 24 km.


They store seeds in various places for times of food shortages, so they play a valuable ecological role, being great dispersers of plant species.Costumam acumular sementes em vários locais do seu território para a época de escassez de alimentos, dessa forma, possui um valioso papel ecológico, pois é uma ótima dispersora de espécies vegetais.

Geographical distribution
Mapa Distribuição Geográfica
Conservation status